Friday, January 16, 2009

Xiao Yuan Yan Chang Hui

Went for my 2nd campus concert yesterday with some Kratos and Gollum people organised by Ntu's cultural activities club. Genie 卓文萱was the performing artiste and Ding Zhi Yong from 933fm was the emcee of the event. The event was delayed due to the overwhelming responds from the students, LKC lt was packed to the brim. Many students, even those with tickets had to sit on the ales and stairs of the lt and this prevented Genie Zhuo from coming up to the upper portion of the lt to interact with the crowd(shake hands and take pic). Besides singing a few songs from her new album "超级喜欢 " she also sang some of her other 主打歌 from her previous albums. During the interacting sessions, we had to sing her a Happy Birthday song since its her birthday in a few days time. 3 lucky guys were invited on stage to sing a duet with her(梁山伯与茱丽叶). The event ended off with an autograph and photo taking session. After which we went to hall2 to eat our dinner and Su San sent us home after that.

Overall impression of Genie Zhuo : Very friendly, cheerful, sweet, able to handle huge crowds well(in terms of interaction), humorous, quite pretty and petite but makeup abit thick.

Looking forward to the next concert, but the queuing time really sucks (lucky I didnt had to queue for both 郭静 and 卓文萱 concert) haha , wonder if S.H.E will actually come for such campus concerts to promote their new album but with their current popularity level doubt they will be coming. If they ever come for such concerts, think CAC will have to change the event location to Nanyang Auditorium instead.