Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Goodbye Singapore.. Hello Shanghai

In a few hours time I'll be leaving Singapore on a 1.15am flight to Shanghai for a 6 months long Global Immersion Programme. This is the 3rd time I'll be going abroad without my parents and sisters by my side, the first 2 trips was with besties to Macau and Taiwan. This would be by far the longest period of time I'll spend away from my family and friends. Under this GIP, we will be studying on the Chinese culture and economics in Shanghai Jiaotong University for 1 1/2 days weekly for 13 weeks and we'll be working for 4 days for 22 weeks as part of our industrial attachment component, the rest of the long holidays will be spent travelling to different states of China. Hopefully through this trip I'll be a more independent, streetwise and matured person. I'm definitely going to miss my family, friends, favourite food, Singaporean slang, efficient transport system, the sunny hot weather etc. Farewell guys, take care!!

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